Ube Industries Establishes New Brand Tagline: “Transform Tomorrow Today”


Ube Industries, Ltd. announced today the establishment of a new brand tagline, “Transform Tomorrow Today.” The new tagline accompanies the company’s transition to a new management structure focused on the chemicals business and the change of the trade name to UBE*1 Corporation on April 1, 2022.

“UBE” is pronounced by saying each letter, as in U, B, E.

Founded in 1897 as the Okinoyama Coal Mine, the company later expanded operations to include machinery, cement, and chemicals businesses, and changed its name to Ube Industries, Ltd. with the amalgamation of its operating companies in 1942. Eighty years later, after spinning off its machinery and cement businesses, Ube Industries will begin a new journey as UBE Corporation.

In claiming “Transform Tomorrow Today” as a core statement of the value delivered by the UBE brand, the company conveys the truth that today’s actions create tomorrow’s world. This brand tagline represents UBE’s resolve to continue taking on the challenge of creating a better future by leveraging the strengths it has developed over decades in the chemicals business. The tagline will be used globally by UBE Corporation and its Group companies related to the chemicals business.

The company will work to further globalize operations and address global environmental issues under the new corporate name and brand tagline. As announced in the UBE Group Policy for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050 in April 2021, the UBE Group will pursue net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from its business activities. The Group will also strive to help the broader society become carbon neutral by pursuing R&D for products and technologies that are beneficial for the environment and the practical application of eco-friendly innovations. UBE will leverage the sound manufacturing capabilities it has refined over its long corporate history and its specialty chemicals technologies to continue creating the value required for a sustainable world and deliver ongoing growth.

Ube Industries, Ltd. to Change its Name to UBE Corporation

UBE Group Policy for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050

For inquiries please contact
Ube Industries, Ltd.
General Affairs & Public Relations Group
Seavans North Building, 1-2-1 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8449
Phone : +81-3-5419-6110
Contact us by Internet.
