CRYLCOAT® 1551-6

CRYLCOAT® 1551-6 is a highly reactive carboxylated polyester resin that is designed to produce 50/50 hybrid powder coatings. The resin is to be used with low viscosity epoxy resin and is suitable for the production of smooth or textured coatings on metal and heat sensitive substrates such as MDF.

Polyester reactive carboxylated polyester resin RegionsEurope, Middle East and AfricaProduct GroupIndoorMarket ApplicationsIndustrial Metal; Industrial WoodSegment ApplicationsPaint & CoatingsChemistryPolyester; Hybrid 50/50TechnologyPowder coating resinsApplication AdvantagesLow temperature curing; High reactivityFinal Product AdvantagesImproved appearanceGreen AttributesLow/zero VOC; Reducing energy consumption, lower carbon foot print Allnex Allnex Polymers and Resins,Polyesters Paints coatings and inks

  • Brand: : Allnex
  • Producer/Supplier : Allnex
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Polyester
  • Chemical Category : Polymers and Resins
  • Sub Category : Polyesters
  • Composition :

    reactive carboxylated polyester resin

  • Industry/Applications

    : Paints coatings



CRYLCOAT® 1510-0

CRYLCOAT® 1510-0 is a carboxylated polyester resin for use in the production of 50/50 hybrid powder coatings. Coatings based on CRYLCOAT® 1510-0 exhib..

CRYLCOAT® 1540-0

CRYLCOAT® 1540-0 is a highly reactive carboxylated polyester resin for use in the production of 50/50 hybrid powder coatings. Formulations based on CR..

CRYLCOAT® 1557-5

CRYLCOAT® 1557-5 is a carboxyl functional polyester resin for use with epoxy resins in ratios from 50/50 to 60/40 to manufacture hybrid powder coating..
