CRYLCOAT® 2437-2

CRYLCOAT® 2437-2 is a TMA-free carboxyl functional polyester resin for use with TGIC in the manufacture of powder coatings. Formulations based on CRYLCOAT® 2437-2 are non-blooming and exhibit outstanding flow, excellent outdoor durability and are stabilized for direct fired gas ovens.

Polyester reactive carboxylated polyester resin RegionsAsia except China; Australia & New Zealand; Europe, Middle East and Africa; Greater China; Latin America; North AmericaProduct GroupStandard DurableMarket ApplicationsIndustrial Metal; Automotive OEMSegment ApplicationsPaint & CoatingsChemistryPolyester; TGICTechnologyPowder coating resinsFinal Product AdvantagesBlooming resistance;Overbake resistance;Improved outdoor durability;Improved appearance;Gas oven resistanceGreen AttributesLow/zero VOC;TMA free Allnex Allnex Polymers and Resins,Polyesters Paints coatings and inks

  • Brand: : Allnex
  • Producer/Supplier : Allnex
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Polyester
  • Chemical Category : Polymers and Resins
  • Sub Category : Polyesters
  • Composition :

    reactive carboxylated polyester resin

  • Industry/Applications

    : Paints coatings



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CRYLCOAT® 1506-0 is a highly reactive carboxylated polyester resin for use in the production of 50/50 hybrid powder coatings. Formulations based on CR..

CRYLCOAT® 1510-0

CRYLCOAT® 1510-0 is a carboxylated polyester resin for use in the production of 50/50 hybrid powder coatings. Coatings based on CRYLCOAT® 1510-0 exhib..

CRYLCOAT® 1514-2

CRYLCOAT® 1514-2 is a carboxylated polyester resin for use in the production of 50/50 hybrid powder coatings. Formulations based on CRYLCOAT® 1514-2 c..
