Cellulose Acetate Propionate - CAP-482-0.5
Eastman™ Cellulose Acetate Propionate CAP-482-0.5 is a low-odor, free-flowing powder. It is especially adaptable for use in printing inks and clear overprint varnishes because of its wide solubility in ink solvents, compatibility with other resins used in printing inks, and high melting point. Films formed from Eastman CAP-482-0.5 have fast solvent release, excellent antiblocking properties, and grease resistance superior to that of other film-formers. Its solubility and hardness make CAP-482-0.5 an excellent resin for nail lacquer topcoats. It is often used in combination with Eastman CAP-482-20 to optimize the formulation viscosity. When CAP-482-0.5 is dissolved in appropriate solvents a clear, colorless solution is produced.
- Producer/Supplier : Eastman Chemical
- Chemical Group/INCI : Cellulose ester
- Sub Category : Esters , Acetate esters
: Cosmetics and personal care, Paints coatings, Printing and Packaging, Process additives, Water treatment
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Cellulose Acetate Propionate - CAP-482-20
Eastman Cellulose Acetate Propionate (CAP-482-20) is similar to Eastman CAP-482-0.5 in solubility and compatibility but Eastman CAP-482-20 has a highe..