Cristal One E

Eastman Cristal™ One E is a copolyester designed for to be fully compatible with the PET recycling stream for extrusion-blown molded bottles for the skincare, personal care and color cosmetics markets. This resin is suitable for blow-molding both thin and thick-walled applications, while maintaining clarity, chemical compatibility, toughness and design freedom.

Copolyester Cristal™ One E meets the definition of resin identification code #1 (RIC1) as defined by the California Assembly Bill (#906) and by ASTM D7611. Other end-product attributes, including but not limited to size, color, auxiliary components, and availability of collection, may also impact recyclability.ApplicationsBottles-color cosmetics pkgBottles-skin care pkgPersonal care bottlesPersonal care packagingSkin care packagingKey attributesEffective barrier propertiesExcellent drop impact strengthExcellent melt strengthGood chemical resistanceGood stiffnessRecyclable with the PET streamToughnessTransparency and clarity Eastman Chemical Eastman Chemical Polymers and Resins,Copolymers,Polyesters Packaging applications,Cosmetics and personal care

  • Brand: : Eastman Chemical
  • Producer/Supplier : Eastman Chemical
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Copolyester
  • Chemical Category : Polymers and Resins
  • Sub Category : Copolymers , Polyesters
  • Industry/Applications

    : Cosmetics and personal care, Packaging applications



Cristal One

Eastman Cristal™ One is a copolyester designed to be fully compatible with the PET recycling stream. Thus, it enables brand owners to achieve recyclab..

Cristal One E Renew-25

Eastman Cristal™ One E Renew-25 is a copolyester designed for to be fully compatible with the PET recycling stream for extrusion-blown molded bottles ..
