Eastar BR003 Copolyester - Natural

Eastar™ BR003 copolyester contains an additive that provides optimum molding efficiency. It has excellent appearance and is nearly water clear. With superior chemical resistance, it maintains its physical properties and appearance when exposed to aromatic oils. BR003 is specifically formulated to provide the optimal combination of chemical resistance, bristle retention, strength, stiffness, processability, clarity, colorability, and feel for toothbrushes.

Copolyester It also offers greater design flexibility and can work for virtually any toothbrush configuration; as a result, brands can offer unique models that are tough to replicate—and launch them quicker. With BR003, molders can also consolidate resins versus having single resins for single designs. Under existing United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA) regulations, Eastar™ BR003 copolyester may lawfully be used to make food contact articles which comply with the specifications and conditions of use in 21 CFR 177.1240. Migration tests on BR003 samples meet the compliance requirements of 21 CFR 177.1240(e)(1),(2) and (3).ApplicationsOral hygieneResourcesEastman polymers, processing and mold design guidelinesInjection molding troubleshooting guide—Eastman copolyestersKeys to successful moldingOral Care one-pager brochureResin material selector guide for toothbrushesDownload TDS Eastman Chemical Eastman Chemical Polymers and Resins,Copolymers,Polyesters Cosmetics and personal care,Pharma and medical

  • Brand: : Eastman Chemical
  • Producer/Supplier : Eastman Chemical
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Copolyester
  • Chemical Category : Polymers and Resins
  • Sub Category : Copolymers , Polyesters
  • Industry/Applications

    : Cosmetics and personal care, Pharma and medical



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