Eastar DN004 Copolyester - Natural

Eastar™ copolyesters are brilliantly clear polymers that have excellent impact strength, chemical resistance, dimensional stability, and low shrinkage rates. Eastar™ DN004 copolyesters are the toughest materials for the cosmetics and personal care packaging applications. It's very shatter resistant and offers excellent chemical resistance. DN004 contains a mold release.

Copolyester This product has been GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIEDThe GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED Mark is a registered certification mark used under license through the GREENGUARD Environmental Institute (GEI). GEI is an industry-independent, non-profit organization that oversees the GREENGUARD Certification Program. ApplicationsAppliances (food contact)Color cosmetics packagingConsumer housewares-NFCEyewearFragrance packagingLarge appliances non-food contactPersonal care & cosmetics packagingSporting equipmentKey attributesChemical resistance to most medical solvents including lipids and IPAGamma and E-beam color stabilityResourcesEastman polymers, processing and mold design guidelinesInjection molding troubleshooting guide—Eastman copolyestersKeys to successful moldingLaser welding Eastman medical copolyestersDownload TDS Eastman Chemical Eastman Chemical Polymers and Resins,Polyesters Packaging applications,Consumer goods,Electrical and Electronics,Polymers and plastics

  • Brand: : Eastman Chemical
  • Producer/Supplier : Eastman Chemical
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Copolyester
  • Chemical Category : Polymers and Resins
  • Sub Category : Polyesters
  • Industry/Applications

    : Consumer goods, Electrical and Electronics, Packaging applications, Polymers and plastics



Eastar DN003 Copolyester - Natural

Eastar™ Copolyester DN003 contains a mold release. It has excellent appearance and is nearly water-clear. This polymer is the toughest of the Eastar™ ..
