Eastar MN058 Copolyester

Meets ISO 10993 and/or USP Class VI biocompatibility requirements. Eastar™ Copolyester MN058 is a medical grade base with brilliantly clear polymers that have excellent impact strength, chemical resistance, dimensional stability, and low shrinkage rates. It has a relatively high flex modulus and yield strength. This product has high flow characteristics. It does not contain a mold release or ultraviolet stabilizer.

Copolyester ApplicationsBlood contact and dialysisBlood tubesFluid administrationMedical devicesMedical labwareKey attributesChemical resistance to most medical solvents including lipids and IPAGamma and E-beam color stabilityResourcesEastman polymers, processing and mold design guidelinesInjection molding troubleshooting guide—Eastman copolyestersLaser welding Eastman medical copolyestersProcessing Guidelines for EASTAR Copolyester MN058Property comparison and ranking guideDownload TDS Eastman Chemical Eastman Chemical Polymers and Resins,Copolymers Pharma and medical

  • Brand: : Eastman Chemical
  • Producer/Supplier : Eastman Chemical
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Copolyester
  • Chemical Category : Polymers and Resins
  • Sub Category : Copolymers
  • Industry/Applications

    : Pharma and medical



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