Florigiel® HY rheology modifier is highly desired for use in oil well drilling mud, slurry trench walls and other geotechnical applications for its excellent stability in a salt or high ionic environment. It serves as an essential thixotropic thickener and suspension agent and meets API Specification 13A/ISO 13500.

Attapulgite Attapulgite products are typically produced in gel and absorbent grades. AMI’s Florigiel® HY product lines are gelling grades only. As a trusted producer of high quality gellant attapulgite clay, our products are sought after and shipped worldwide to a wide variety of industrial applications. Learn more about these products below. Gel Active Minerals International Active Minerals International Additives and Modifiers,Rheology modifiers,Thickener Petrochemicals and Energy

  • Brand: : Active Minerals International
  • Producer/Supplier : Active Minerals International
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Attapulgite
  • Chemical Category : Additives and Modifiers
  • Sub Category : Rheology modifiers , Thickener
  • Physical Form : Gel
  • Industry/Applications

    : Petrochemicals and Energy



MIN-U-GEL® 400

MIN-U-GEL® 400 fine grade is one of the lowest additives for controlling rheology, suspension and syneresis in a wide variety applications, like paint..

MIN-U-GEL® 200

MIN-U-GEL® 200 coarse grade is used in agricultural suspensions, such as liquid animal feed supplements, liquid suspension fertilizer, foliar sprays, ..
