New PET-like plastic made directly from waste biomass

The technique is based on a discovery that Luterbacher and his colleagues published in 2016, where adding an aldehyde could stabilize cert..

Bacteria for Blastoff: Using Microbes to Make Supercharged New Rocket Fuel

Well aware of the advantages biology has to offer, a group of biofuel experts led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) ..

Single-atom tractor beams power chemical catalysis

A team from the NanoPhotonics Centre has magnified optical forces a thousand-fold, strong enough to force atoms into positions that drive ..

New PET Hydrolase - Enzyme in salivary microbes decomposes PET-based plastics

Worawan Bhanthumnavin, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, Chayasith Uttamapinant, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Techno..


Detecting fluorescence signals from nanoscale thin films

The Jena-based industrial research institution INNOVENT e.V. has incorporated fluorescent nanoparticles into thin-film technologies. These..