Warning: Undefined array key "search" in /home1/findysmmx/public_html/catalog/controller/product/search.php on line 132 Search - Tag - CoatOSil™ 7602 Coatings Additive by Momentive


Silquest™ A-151NT

Silquest™ A-151NT is a vinyl-functional silane coupling agent, designed to enhance adhesion and improve the performance of various materials, especial..

Chemical Group : Organosilane / Vinyl Silane

Silquest™ A-1524 Silane

Silquest™ A-1524 Silane is a versatile silane coupling agent that enhances adhesion, improves mechanical properties, and boosts durability in various ..

Chemical Group : Organosilane

Silquest™ A-174NT Silane

Silquest™ A-174NT Silane is a versatile adhesion promoter and coupling agent designed to enhance the performance of various materials. This organofunc..

Chemical Group : Organofunctional Silane

Silquest™ A-178 Silane

Silquest™ A-178 Silane is a versatile silane coupling agent designed to enhance adhesion and improve performance in various applications. It is partic..

Chemical Group : Organosilane

Silquest™ A-186 Silane

Silquest™ A-186 Silane is a versatile organosilane coupling agent designed to enhance the adhesion and durability of various materials. It is particul..

Chemical Group : Organofunctional Silane

Silquest™ A-1871 Epoxy Silane

Silquest™ A-1871 Epoxy Silane is a versatile adhesion promoter that enhances bonding between organic polymers and inorganic substrates. This epoxy-fun..

Chemical Group : Organo silane / Epoxy Silane

Silquest™ A-189 Silane

Silquest™ A-189 Silane is a versatile silane coupling agent supplied by Momentive Performance Materials. It is widely used to enhance the adhesion of ..

Chemical Group : Silane

Silquest™ A-Link™ 15 Silane

Silquest™ A-Link™ 15 Silane is a versatile crosslinker and adhesion promoter, commonly used in adhesive and sealant formulations to enhance performanc..

Chemical Group : Organofunctional Silanes

Silquest™ A-Link™ 35 Silane

Silquest™ A-Link™ 35 Silane is an organofunctional silane designed for use in adhesive and sealant formulations. This versatile coupling agent enhance..

Chemical Group : Organofunctional Silane

Silquest™ A-Link™ 597 Silane

Silquest™ A-Link™ 597 Silane is a high-performance amino silane coupling agent designed to enhance the adhesion and durability of various materials. I..

Chemical Group : Organosilane

Silquest™ A-Link™ 599 Silane

Silquest™ A-Link™ 599 Silane is an advanced silane coupling agent designed to enhance the performance of adhesives, sealants, and coatings. This uniqu..

Chemical Group : Silane

Silquest™ VS-142 Silane

Silquest™ VS-142 Silane is a versatile and highly functional silane coupling agent used to enhance adhesion and improve the performance of various mat..

Chemical Group : Organofunctional Silane

Silquest™ VX-225 Silane

Silquest™ VX-225 Silane is a versatile silane coupling agent designed to enhance the performance of various adhesive and sealant formulations. This si..

Chemical Group : Silane

Silquest™ Y-11699 Silane

Silquest™ Y-11699 Silane is a high-performance additive renowned for its ability to enhance the adhesion and durability of various materials. This sil..

Chemical Group : Silane

Silquest™ Y-19020 Silane

Silquest™ Y-19020 Silane is a high-performance silane coupling agent developed by Momentive Performance Materials. This silane is specifically designe..

Chemical Group : Silane

Silquest™ Y-9627 Silane

Silquest™ Y-9627 Silane is a versatile, high-performance silane coupling agent designed to enhance the adhesion of various substrates. This product is..

Chemical Group : Organosilane

Silquest™ Y-9669 Silane

Silquest™ Y-9669 Silane is an advanced organofunctional silane that enhances the adhesion and durability of coatings, adhesives, and sealants. This ve..

Chemical Group : Organofunctional Silane

Skydrol 5

Introduced in 1996, Skydrol 5 was the first Type V fluid qualified under the Boeing BMS 3-11 specification. Skydrol 5 offers higher temperature capabi..

Chemical Group : Fluids

Skydrol 500B-4

The Skydrol 500 series of fluids has the longest service history among phosphate ester products. The first version, Skydrol 500, was introduced in 195..

Chemical Group : Fluids

Skydrol LD-4

Skydrol LD-4 was introduced in 1977 , and is well known around the world. At the time of its introduction it was a breakthrough product, solving probl..

Chemical Group : Fluids