CYCOLAC™ Resin EXABS01 is sheet extrusion ABS with medium impact and is used for general purpose injection molding applications. High impact resistance, outstanding aesthetics, flow, toughness, strength and dimensional stability makes it an attractive ABS candidate

Availability: Americas

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Characteristics: Excellent colorabilityGood low temperature ductilityHigh dimensional stabilityGood electrical propositionsGood paintabilityApplication areas: Building Accessory, Building/Construction Sheet, Food Processor, Recreational Vehicle Processing methods: Drying Temperature: 80-90°C, Drying Time: 4-5hrs, Drying Time (Cumulative): 24hrs, Maximum Moisture Content: 0.02%, Barrel - Zone 1 Temperature: 205-225°C, Barrel - Zone 2 Temperature: 205-225°C, Barrel - Zone 3 Temperature: 205-225°C, Barrel - Zone 4 Temperature: 205-225°C, Adapter - Zone 5 Temperature: 210-230°C, Head - Zone 6 - Top Temperature: 215-230°C, Head - Zone 7 - Bottom Temperature: 215-230°C, Screw Speed: 20-60rpm, Extruder Feed Zone Temperature: 60-75°C, Mold Temperature: 40-80°C, Die Temperature: 215-235°C, Drying Temperature: 80-95°C, Drying Time: 4hrs, Maximum Moisture Content: 0.02%, Melt Temperature: 215-260°C, Barrel - Zone 1 Temperature: 170-200°C, Barrel - Zone 2 Temperature: 180-220°C, Barrel - Zone 3 Temperature: 190-225°C, Barrel - Zone 4 Temperature: 200-240°C, Adapter Temperature: 205-250°C, Die Temperature: 205-250°C, Roll Stack Temp - Top: 90-95°C, Roll Stack Temp - Middle: 95-105°C, Roll Stack Temp - Bottom: 100-105°CFor full technical details download the related documents. Sabic Sabic Polymers and Resins,ABS Plastics Automotive and transportation,Building and constructions,Consumer goods

  • Brand: : Sabic
  • Producer/Supplier : Sabic
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
  • Chemical Category : Polymers and Resins
  • Sub Category : ABS Plastics
  • Composition :

    Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

  • Industry/Applications

    : Automotive and transportation, Building and constructions, Consumer goods
