CYCOLAC™ Resin INP576 is medium flow SAN pellets. FDA compliant (part use must be at room temperature or below). It has compatibility with a wide range of ABS grades, It allows better dispersion than pellets. Because of outstanding aesthetics, strength, flow, toughness, dimensional stability, high temperature, fatigue and chemical resistance it is suitable for direct weather exposure. 

Availability: Americas, MEA

Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN) Styrene>>Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN) Characteristics: Excellent colorabilityGood low temperature ductilityHigh dimensional stabilityGood electrical propositionsGood paintabilityApplication areas: Additive semiconductor materials, Electronic components Processing methods:  Drying Temperature: 75-85°C, Drying Time (Cumulative): 2-4hrs, Maximum Moisture Content: 0.1%, Melt Temperature: 190-220°C, Nozzle Temperature: 190-220°C, Front - Zone 3 Temperature: 190-210°C, Middle - Zone 2 Temperature: 180-200°C, Rear - Zone 1 Temperature: 170-190°C, Mold Temperature: 50-70°C, Screw Speed: 40-70rpmFor full technical details download the related documents. Sabic Sabic Polymers and Resins,Thermoplastics Electrical and Electronics

  • Brand: : Sabic
  • Producer/Supplier : Sabic
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN)
  • Chemical Category : Polymers and Resins
  • Sub Category : Thermoplastics
  • Composition :

    Styrene>>Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN)

  • Industry/Applications

    : Electrical and Electronics
