CYCOLAC™ Resin INP984 is a 45% polybutyl acrylate rubber grafted weatherable ASA modifier resin. Provides excellent impact, heat distortion and weatherability properties. Maintains polymer properties in UV and thermal environments. Toughens compatible rigid polymers without additional impact modification. Expands the use temperature window of compounds. Offers compatibility with many polar polymers. Improve UV resistance when blended with less stable polymers. SABIC INP984 is well suited to produce good weatherability in rigid polymer applications. Can be effectively alloyed with PVC and other miscible thermoplastics in molded, extruded or calendered applications to provide improved heat distortion. 

Availability: Americas

Polymer blend 45% polybutyl acrylate rubber grafted weatherable ASA modifier resin Characteristics: Excellent colorabilityGood low temperature ductilityHigh dimensional stabilityGood electrical propositionsGood paintabilityApplication areas: Can be effectively alloyed with PVC and other miscible thermoplastics in molded, extruded or calendered applications to provide improved heat distortion.For full technical details download the related documents. Sabic Sabic Polymers and Resins,Thermoplastics Polymers and plastics,Building and constructions,Consumer goods

  • Brand: : Sabic
  • Producer/Supplier : Sabic
  • Chemical Group/INCI : Polymer blend
  • Chemical Category : Polymers and Resins
  • Sub Category : Thermoplastics
  • Composition :

    45% polybutyl acrylate rubber grafted weatherable ASA modifier resin

  • Industry/Applications

    : Building and constructions, Consumer goods, Polymers and plastics
