Understanding the importance of the science of measurement in quantum revolution


In a recently published article in Nature physics experts from NPL and partner organizations from around the world examine the critical role of National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) in the quantum revolution.

You may have heard how quantum science is driving an imminent revolution of science and technology, and its potential to enable quantum computing, uncrackable cryptography and teleportation. This new quantum age is supported by metrology, the science of measurement.

Quantum effects are inherent in the international system of measurements, SI, which makes the world go around in a harmonious way. NMIs are in charge of the SI implementation, which requires them to master the highest level of quantum control.

Based on this expertise, NMIs play a leading role in the evolving world of quantum technologies. From developing new devices for generating and detecting individual quanta to improving understanding of the latest materials such as graphene, the international NMI community is helping make the far-reaching possibilities of quantum a reality.

With the quantum revolution underway, the need for independent and impartial testing and evaluation is critical. As national labs, it’s up to us to provide this support that enables responsible quantum innovation and industrialization. From established technologies like random number generation to less mature technologies like quantum computing, their development is supported by metrology and the unbiased testing it enables. Our expertise and impartiality is needed to write the rulebooks – standards – for new quantum technologies. In a vicious circle, we are able to exploit new quantum technologies for the benefit of metrology itself, which in turn benefits society.

More information:
Alexander Tzalenchuk et al, The Growing Role of National Metrology Institutes in the Quantum Age, Nature physics (2022). 
DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01659-z
Provided by National Physical Laboratory
